Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Breslov Shul of RBS A is honored to host Rav Chaim Kramer

The Breslov Shul of RBS A is honored to host Rav Chaim Kramer this coming Shabbes, Parshas Tetzave.

Rav Chaim Kramer, Director of the Breslov Research Institute, is the author of "Through Fire and Water", "Crossing the Narrow Bridge", "Anatomy of theSoul", "This Land is My Land", and more titles, as well as annotating over 10 volumes of the English Translation of Likutei MoHaRan.

Shabbes Schedule as follows (Other than the Fri Night Oneg, all shiurim will take place at the Breslov Shul which is at Nachal Lachish 40/13, up the stairs to the left of the building):

Oneg Shabbes at the Home of the Bell Family, Nachal Lachish 13/11, 8:30 Friday Night.

Shabbes Morning: Sipurei Maasiot, Rebbe Nachman's Tales, After Kiddush, Approximately 10:15 AM. (Shacharis at 8:00 AM)

Shiur for Women in English: 3:00 PM

Likutei MoHaRan in Hebrew: During Seuda Shlishis. (Mincha 4:40 - Sorry, no accommodations for women for Seuda Shlishis).

Looking forward to seeing you all.

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