Sunday, May 11, 2008

Shakla VeTaryeh Shas Chaburah

Rav Pogrow's world-famous Amud Yomi shiur is starting one of the most intriguing sections of Shas...Perek "Eizehu Neshech," the 5th perek of Bava Metzia.


5:30 am - 6:00 am Amud Shiur (at Eish Kodesh in RBS A)
6:00 am - 7:00 am Chazzora with a Chavrusa
Later in the day, 30 minutes of Chazzora on previous Amudim, plus 15 monutesreview of the day's material.

If you're looking to master and remember p'shat in this perek (and thosethat follow), and you are willing to commit to the time schedule, please contact me. We're looking for a few good men.

Aryeh Sonnenberg

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