Friday, June 20, 2008
Yisrael Kampbell
ticket's price:60 NIS
ticket's price at door:70 NIS
you can start buying tickets by phone, using credit cards,from July 25th .
the phone no for tickets is 02-9917147,
hours for tickets:9am-12am or 4pm-7pm
Nachal Dolev big Fair-EVENT
"Chutzot Dolev " Fair
Nachal Dolev will be closed from Nachal Mata to Nachal Timna and will become a pedestrian mall .
from 5:30 pm We will have-A big aviation fair for children.
We will have lots of workshops of building:
kites,parachutes,hot air balloons and more (. 5 NIS per workshop)
*model planes flyover,Hot air balloons flying and more.-
the street will be full of vendors , WE ARE LOOKING FOR MORE VENDORS.
please call Michal at:052-6828259-
AT about 8pm we will have great performance CALLED "Like a Rose": Aharon Razel, Chaim David & Shlomo Katzdon't miss it!!!!!!!!!!!
The fair is taking place thanks to:
Mr Shalom Lerner , Deputy Mayor
Mr Jecki Edri, member of city council
Eshkolot Pais & Mrs Tali Shapirathe education Dept & Mr Klemo Buznach
The Moatza datit & Harav Chaim Ben Margi
EVENT production : Ramat Bet Shemesh Matnas
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Rosh Chodesh Event for Women
DATE: This Wednesday the 4th of June
TIME: Doors open at 8p.m shiur at 8:30 prompt
Location: Schulman Residence Micha 13/14
SPEAKER: Rebbetzin Rothstein (daughter of the rav of Shar Yishuv yeshiva)
Refreshments will be served.
See you there
Posted by: "Miriam Epstein"
Monday, May 19, 2008
Ground Breaking at Lema'an Achai!!
We are thrilled to announce that Lema'an Achai has 'broken ground' at the building plot, which was donated by the Municipality and is located prominently on Nahal Dolev (between the top of Ayalon Park and the Mercazi shul).Be"H this will be the site of The Ramat Bet Shemesh "Olam Hachesed" Center - The Jewel in the Crown of our Community!
This building will house all of Lema'an Achai's 25 programs, which bring Smart Chesed to our local families suffering from poverty & crisis - and so strengthen our whole community.
1. Have You Been on a Building Committee??
If you have experience serving on a Building Committee, such as for a school, shul or other public building, please contact me (9997107 or email).
Lema'an Achai now needs your experience & assistance!
2. Sponsorship Opportunities: This building will solely be paid for by designated donations. We have a generous (informal) offer of matching funds (up to one third of the total).
Please contact me if you, your family or an acquaintance are also interested in sponsoring part of the Ramat Bet Shemesh "Olam Hachesed" Center?Sh'yiyhe BeSha'a Tova!!
Best Regards,
David Morris, Chairman
Lema'an Achai - It's All About Caring
Direct Tel: 02 9997107
Office: 02 9991553Fax: 02 999239840/7
Nahal Lachish
Ramat Beit Shemesh,99093 Israel.
TOMORROW, Tuesday, 20.05.08.
The Shemeshop is a second-hand clothing store open to the general public. It sells new or lightly-used clothing at very low prices. All profits go to Lema'an Achai.
Please note: New location: THE RBS MATNAS, NACHAL DOLEV (one floor up, entrance via the library)
Don't miss out on the amazing latest fashions at knockdown prices!!
Happy Shopping and thank you for your support!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Rav Lazer Brody returns to RBS
His recent lectures were packed with people, B"H! Sunday, May 25th - 20 Iyyar 8:15pm
Kehillat Ahava VeSimcha - Carlebach, Dolev 70, RBSAleph.
More details to be announced soon.
Rav Lazer Brody is an ex-IDF elite team commando and aBaal Teshuva. He has written four books, and hasproduced dozens of CDs with audio shiurim that havehelped and inspired tens of thousands of peopleworldwide on such topics as emuna, shalom bayit,prayer, family, etc. His website is readby thousands every day. 10NIS suggested donation. CDs and books will be available for sale.Separate seating.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Shakla VeTaryeh Shas Chaburah
5:30 am - 6:00 am Amud Shiur (at Eish Kodesh in RBS A)
6:00 am - 7:00 am Chazzora with a Chavrusa
Later in the day, 30 minutes of Chazzora on previous Amudim, plus 15 monutesreview of the day's material.
If you're looking to master and remember p'shat in this perek (and thosethat follow), and you are willing to commit to the time schedule, please contact me. We're looking for a few good men.
Aryeh Sonnenberg
Fire Safety Week 12-15 May
At the fire station Included in the tochnit:
- Demonstration of building and extinguishing Lag Ba'omer bonfires-all safety measures included
- Exhibition fire rescue vehicles and equipment
- Exhibition medical equipment
- True to life rescue exercises
- Fire Safety films
- Expert guides and explanations
- Explanatory Leaflets
- Free Entance
- Open Line to fire station 9911988
Book in your gan /school/private gan NOW
Last year B¢H close to 8000 people attended and firemen noted drastic reduction in fires form bonfires on Lag Baomer
Lemaan Yaldeinu is a community project initiated by Keren Yosef
With the following bodies working side by side for the safety of children
Kupot Cholim Clalit,Meuchedet,Leumit,MacabiMatnasim,Hazala,Iriyat Bet Shemesh,Ezrat AchimMDA,Ministry of Health,Keren Yosef,Fire and Police Depts,Mateh Yehuda,Rubenu
Gina Kirsch 9921982
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
ShemeShop MOVING!
The new location will be at the RBS Matnas, on Dolev, in a large attractiveroom upstairs.Access to the ShemeShop will be via the library (when the library is open),and at other times via the regular stairs inside the matnas (turn left atthe top of the stairs, last room).
The date of the Grand Opening will be announced in the near future, as willthe new opening hours. Meantime, the ShemeShop is *not* operating at the oldlocation.
The ShemeShop is a thrift shop, selling gently-used high quality fashionableAmerican clothing, at rock-bottom bargain prices, to the benefit of everyonein our community.
All profits are donated to Lema'an Achai to help impoverished families getthrough and, Be"H, out of crisis.
I would like to take this opportunity to express the community'sappreciation for the wonderful work of the amazing team of ShemeShopvolunteers, under the dynamic leadership of Ayelet Wagschal.And thanks, of course, to our fantastic partners in the USA at Yad Leah!
Many thanks and yeshar koach to Miri Shalem and all at the Matnas for kindly hosting The ShemeShop, this remarkable Community Program in a greatCommunity Center!
Watch out for further announcements re The Grand Opening & ShemeShop Opening Hours...
David Morris, Chairman
Lema'an Achai - It's All About Caring
Direct Tel: 02 9997107 Office: 02 9991553
Fax: 02 9992398
40/7 Nahal Lachish
Ramat Beit Shemesh,99093 Israel.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Lema'an Achai's furniture/appliances gemach
If you have any of the following to give away, please call Dahlia at 052-619-9373:
- baby's cot/crib- bookshelves- meat grinder- mixer- table and chairs- oven- radio- bedroom closets- highriser bed- fans- computers- Shabbat platta (hot plate)- kettle- dairy toaster oven
Thanks - tizku lemitzvot!!
Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director
Lema'an Achai, (02) 999-1553 ext. 115
Why Should I Give to Lema'an Achai??
Why Should I Give to Lema'an Achai??
Answer: Lema'an Achai directly helps the needy of all Bet Shemesh in
two major projects, and five ongoing programs.
If you help fund these, Lema'an Achai will be able to continue these
programs, and even add more services, which are desperately needed in
Bet Shemesh.
** Program One: Lema'an Achai Branch Office **
Lema'an Achai has operated a Branch Office, since June 2007, located
about Broder's Pharmacy.
Under the professional management of Meir Crandel MSW (9996862;
9991553 X107), this program is focused on rehabilitating needy
families in Bet Shemesh.
Using methods developed & proven over the past nine years in Ramat
Bet Shemesh, called "Smart Chesed", this program is UNIQUE.
The objective is not to solely distribute hand-outs, which many
worthy organizations do throughout Israel, but to give these families
a Hand OUT - to solve problems and enable needy families to become
The Rambam says this is the highest form of tzedaka. We know from
experience, it's also the toughest to deliver effectively.
Lema'an Achai is the only organization which is supplying these
services in Bet Shemesh.
Some one hundred families from Bet Shemesh, suffering poverty and
crisis, have applied to join this program.
Fifteen of these families have met the program's criteria, and these
are now receiving the intensive help they need to get back on their feet.
We would accept more families, many more, if we had more human and
financial resources to do this.
Your Help Needed: a generous individual donor gave the start-up
funding for the first year's activities only.
The responsibility for continuing & expanding this unique Bet Shemesh
program has now passed to the whole community.
Please donate now to keep this program in Bet Shemesh!
You can also designate your donation for Kimche Depischa for these
fifteen very special Bet Shemesh families - 1800 NIS is the cost for
each family.
** Program Two - Free Dental Clinic **
Did you know that poor people have more pain, worse teeth and more
aural disease?
This is as a result of un-affordable routine dentistry
(stitch-in-time), toffee-diets (cheap energy), and often non-existent
dental hygiene (education).
Lema'an Achai are the sole suppliers of FREE dental services to the
needy of Bet Shemesh.
In the first year of activity, the Lema'an Achai Free Dental Clinic,
located in the old Shuk in Bet Shemesh, has delivered relief to FOUR
THOUSAND children in Bet Shemesh.
This has been achieved in partnership with Tamar Sion, who have
generously provided funding.
* Other Lema'an Achai Programs **
In addition to these two major new Bet Shemesh programs, other
Lema'an Achai programs in RBS also help residents of Bet Shemesh, such as:-
* Financial Seminars - helping people to get by on an Israeli salary
* "Ayala Shlucha" - help for families with serious illness, lo aleinu
* Free Loan Fund - bridging loans, to keep debt from spiralling out of control.
* Citizens Advocacy Center - know your rights, and receive practical
help to get them!
* ShemeShop - thrift shop - shortly moving to the Matnas RBS- open
to everyone!
Lema'an Achai is ambitious to spread the benefits of Smart Chesed to
all in Bet Shemesh, expand, and open new programs - but this can only
be achieved with YOUR help.
* Question: Yes, I want to support these activities. How Can I Donate?
Answer: Tizku lemitzvot!
Local Drop Off Points for Donations
(All donations via these families will be designated for Lema'an
Achai's Bet Shemesh activities)
Broder's Pharmacy - Chativat Harel
Family Wimpfheimer - Maapilei Egoz 6/7, T: 9915898
Family Gross - Shimon 44 (69), T: 9990362
Family Kurtz - Hashoshan 27, T: 9992520
Family Hoffman - Shivtei Yisrael 2/11, T: 9919425
Family Seeman - Tidhar 12 (209) T: 9995935
Secure On-Line:
Drop-down menu: Bet Shemesh
24/6 Donations Tel: 99999.33
Mail Checks to: Lema'an Achai, 40/7 Nahal Lachish, Ramat Bet Shemesh 99093.
All donations to Lema'an Achai are Seif 46 Tax Deductible in Israel.
US Tax Deductible: "US Friends of Lema'an Achai"
UK Tax Deductible: "British Friends of Lema'an Achai"
Canada Tax Deductible: "Shaarei Tefilla Charity Fund".
Halachik Supervision & Rabbinical Approval: The possek and founder of
Lema'an Achai is Rav Chaim Soloveichik, shlita. Lema'an Achai's
rehabilitation program in Bet Shemesh has been established with the
approval and support of local Bet Shemesh rabbonim.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call (9997107) or email me!
Chag Kasher Vesameach!
David Morris, Chairman
Lema'an Achai - It's All About Caring
Direct Tel: 02 9997107
Office: 02 9991553
Fax: 02 9992398
40/7 Nahal Lachish
Ramat Beit Shemesh,
99093 Israel.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
MERCAZ HARAV Shiur by R' FRAND Mon night at Aish Kodesh
of Mercaz Harav.
The Topic is the "Ultimate Kiddush Hashem".
There will be another shiur by R Dovid Gottlieb immediately following,
addressing the same topic.
We urge you to attend these very special shiurim. Video is presented by the
Torah Conferencing Network. There is no charge.
Place: Aish Kodesh - Nachal Maor 4/2
Time: 9:30pm, immediately following 9:15 Maariv.
The World Renowned & BelovedTalmid Chacham, Popular Author of Over 30 Books,Authoritative Psychiatrist, And Dynamic Individual -Long-standing Friend & Supporter to Lema'an Achai -and who has been instrumental in improving the lives of Thousands!
Who will deliver an inspirational lecture:
8pm Prompt, Thursday 10th April, 2008 (5/6th Nissan)
At Beis TefillaNahal Refaim (top of Luz), Ramat Beit Shemesh(Downstairs Social Hall)Separate man/women's seating.
The Whole Public is Warmly Invited!Tell your friends, and bring them along also to THE Event of the Season!
Entrance is FREE.
Note: You will be solicited for Kimche Depischa/Maos Chitimfor One Hundred and Eighty-Three Needy Local Familiesso please bring check books/credit cards!
David Morris, ChairmanLema'an Achai - It's All About Caring
Direct Tel: 02 9997107Office: 02 9991553Fax: 02 9992398
40/7 Nahal LachishRamat Beit Shemesh
TONIGHT - Rav Winston lecture 8:15pm - Carlebach Shul
Rav Winston, formerly with Aish HaTorah, lecturesfrequently about Spiritual Clarity, Eretz Yisroel, andThe Hidden Light of Creation. He also speaks onRabbinical teachings on Acharit HaYamim (End of Days)and on current events as they relate to theseteachings.
10 NIS optional donation. Separate seating. Books will be available for sale.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Pesach in the Beis Hamkidash Experience
- Aliyah Laregel
- The numerous Korbanos Hachag
- Shabbos Erev Pesach
- Tumah and Tahara
- Much morePresented (in Hebrew) by Mechon HaMikdash
When: Monday, 9 Nisan (April 14th) at 3:00 PM
Where: Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham
Who: Men, Women, and children (8+)
Cost: 20 NIS/person, maximum per family 60 NIS.
Unlike the Korban Pesach...reservations are NOT required.
"VeNochal Sham Min HaZ'vachim Umin HaP'sachim"×©×™×‘× ×” בית המקדש במהרה ×‘×™×ž×™× ×•.....
BTYA is located in RBS A at the corner of Nachal Luz and Nachal Refaim.
On Sale Now!

Noam Elimelech
You can buy a copy from me right here in RBSA 02-992-1218 / 054-842-4725
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Upcoming lectures in English at Kehillat AhavaVeSimcha
Upcoming lectures in English at Kehillat AhavaVeSimcha - Carlebach, 70 Dolev, RBS Aleph
Rav Lazer Brody - Wednesday, APRIL 2 at 8:15pm"Preparing for Pesach - Gates to Personal Freedom".
ALSO, special guest singer: Eretz Yisroel's Troubador & Baal Teshuva, Hezi Levy (who will provide brief musical breaks during the lecture program).
Rav Lazer Brody is an ex-IDF elite team commando and aBaal Teshuva. He has written four books, and hasproduced dozens of CDs with audio shiurim that havehelped and inspired tens of thousands of peopleworldwide on such topics as emuna, shalom bayit,prayer, family, etc. His website is read by thousandsevery day.
10 NIS suggested donation.
Separate seating.
Books/CDs will be available for sale.
Rav Pinchas Winston - Sunday, APRIL 6 at 8:15pm "PESACH & THE FINAL REDEMPTION".
Rav Winston is an author, columnist, and international lecturer (on the Hidden Light of Creation, SpiritualClarity, Prophecies Regarding Eretz Yisroel.10 NIS suggested donation.
Separate seating.
Books will be available for sale
Garage Sale
Where: 21/7 Nachal Lachish Parking Lot (covered)
What: New items and old....such as toys, Jewelry, Art Supplies, Books, clothes, MANY DIFFERENT SELLERS IN ONE PLACE!
TIME: 3pm -7/8pm THIS WEDNESDAY YOW REVIIAMAZING offers to be found and amazing opportunity to bring a table and sell some things yourself...Don't miss it.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Someone to pray for you for free?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Melave Malka "Gaaguim"
(missing you)
You are all invited to a
Melave Malka
This Motzei Shabbat, Parshat Vayikra 8:00pm
Marking 7 Adar
Beit Knesset Netzach Beit Hillel
Kehillat Ahava VeSimcha – Carlebach Minyan
Nachal Dolev 70
¨ Musical accompaniment by Moshe Levy and band
¨ Light Refreshments
¨ Divrei Torah of Rabbanim
¨ Free Admission for the whole family
We are inviting old, current & future members and friends of the shul
Please join us! Let's spread the simcha of Adar!
Kehillat Ahava VeSimcha is sponsoring this community-wide evening with the help of donations. Please contact Ari Gerber or Reuven Shefigal if you can make a 36nis donation, or more, to help us cover costs. No donation is required.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Hachnasat Sefer Torah at Lev HaTorah
This Wednesday evening at 7:30.
It is in honor of Harav Chanania and Rut Weinberg
All are welcome!
-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman @
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hakaras HaTov for MADA, Hatzolah, FireFighters
A request to the public "What I Wish People Knew About MADA Hatzolah, EMS, Firefighters, Dispatchers, & Law Enforcement"
I wish you could know what it is like to search a burning bedroom for trapped children at 3 AM, flames rolling above your head, your palms and knees burning as you crawl, the floor sagging under your weight as the kitchen below you burns.
I wish you could comprehend a husband's horror at six in the morning as I check his wife of 40 years for a pulse and find none. I start CPR anyway, hoping to bring her back, knowing intuitively it is too late...but wanting her husband and family to know everything possible was done to try to save her life.
I wish you knew the unique smell of burning insulation, the taste of soot-filled mucus, the feeling of intense heat through your turnout gear, the sound of flames crackling, the eeriness of being able to see absolutely nothing in dense smoke-sensations that I've become too familiar with.
I wish you could read my mind as I respond to a building fire. 'Is this a false alarm or a working fire? How is the building constructed? What await me? Is anyone trapped?' Or to call, 'what is hazards wrong with the patient?Is it minor or life threatening? Is the caller really in distress, or is he waiting for us with a 2x4 or a gun?'
I wish you could be in the emergency room as a doctor pronounces dead the beautiful five-year old girl that I have been trying to save during the past25 minutes, who will never go on her first date or say the words, 'I love you Mommy' again.
I wish you could know the frustration I feel in the cab of the engine or unit, the driver with his foot pressing down hard on the pedal, my arm tugging again and again at the air horn chain... as you fail to yield the right-of-way at an intersection or in traffic. When you need us, however, your first comment upon our arrival will be, 'It took you forever to get here!'
I wish you could know my thoughts as I help extricate a girl of teenage years from the remains of her automobile. 'What if this was my daughter, sister, my girlfriend or a friend? What are her parents' reaction going to be when they open the door to find a police officer with hat in hand?'
I wish you could know how it feels to walk in the back door and greet my parents or family, not having the heart to tell them that I nearly did not come back from the last call.
I wish you could know how it feels dispatching officers, firefighters and EMT's out and when we call for them and our heart drops because nobody answers back, or to hear a bone chilling 911 call of a child or wife needing assistance.
I wish you could feel the hurt as people verbally, and sometimes physically, abuse us or belittle what I do, or as they express their attitudes of 'It will never happen to me.'
I wish you could realize the physical, emotional and mental drain, missed meals, lost sleep and forgone social activities, in addition to all of the tragedy my eyes have seen.
I wish you could know the brotherhood and self-satisfaction of helping to save a life or preserving someone's property, or being able to be there in time of crisis, or creating order from total chaos.
I wish you could understand what it feels like to have a little boy tugging at your arm and asking, 'Is Mommy okay?' and not even being able to look in his eyes without tears from your own and not knowing what to say...Or have to hold back a long time friend who watches his buddy having CPR per formed on him as you take him away in the Medic Unit. You know all along that he did not have his seat belt on, a sensation that I have become too familiar with.
Unless you have lived with this kind of life, you will never truly understand or appreciate who I am, we are, or what our job really means to us... I wish you could though.
Have a safe day.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director
Lema'an Achai, (02) 999-1553 ext. 115
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Rav Yudelevitz speaking Thursday night
Time: Every Thursday night, 10:00-11:00 PM
Place: Mevakshei Hashem (right next door to Pizza Land, on Nachal Katlav)
Language: Hebrew
Breslov Shul of RBS A is honored to host Rav Chaim Kramer
Rav Chaim Kramer, Director of the Breslov Research Institute, is the author of "Through Fire and Water", "Crossing the Narrow Bridge", "Anatomy of theSoul", "This Land is My Land", and more titles, as well as annotating over 10 volumes of the English Translation of Likutei MoHaRan.
Shabbes Schedule as follows (Other than the Fri Night Oneg, all shiurim will take place at the Breslov Shul which is at Nachal Lachish 40/13, up the stairs to the left of the building):
Oneg Shabbes at the Home of the Bell Family, Nachal Lachish 13/11, 8:30 Friday Night.
Shabbes Morning: Sipurei Maasiot, Rebbe Nachman's Tales, After Kiddush, Approximately 10:15 AM. (Shacharis at 8:00 AM)
Shiur for Women in English: 3:00 PM
Likutei MoHaRan in Hebrew: During Seuda Shlishis. (Mincha 4:40 - Sorry, no accommodations for women for Seuda Shlishis).
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Day of prayer and fasting this Tuesday in response to the threats facing the Jewish people
Addressed to “Our fellow Jews living in Eretz Yisroel (the Land of Israel) and to Jewish communities everywhere,” the proclamation continues: “The difficult situation of the Jewish community in Eretz Yisroel fills us with trepidation. Nobody knows what the new day will bring. In our sins, we see the fulfillment of the posuk [Biblical verse] "Behold Your enemies are in uproar and those who hate You have raised their heads. Against Your nation they deviously plot, and take counsel against those whom You protect." Our eyes are lifted in prayer to the Creator, that all of the goings-on in the world turn out for the good.
“From both within and without the crisis mounts. The danger threatens both body and soul. During these days, items are on agendas that could place entire populations of Jews into grave danger, G-d forbid - including those in the Holy City of Jerusalem. Further, there are constant attempts to undermine the foundations of pure education in Eretz Yisroel and to cause harm to the holiness of the Nation of Israel.
Therefore it is incumbent on us to fortify ourselves with Torah, prayer and good deeds, to awaken the mercy of Heaven.“Dear brethren, awaken and inspire yourselves to pour out prayer before the Creator of the world, that He have pity and protect His nation from all who stand up against us, that He abolish the intentions of those who hate us and nullify the plots of our enemies, and that the eyes of the misguided be opened to the realization that their path is foolishness and they should leave Hashem's nation to guard its path and faith, without hindrance or interference.
We therefore call on members of Hashem's holy nation in all the places they reside, men, women and children, to gather in tefilla [prayer] on Tuesday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon, 5768, to recite chapters of Psalms and the liturgy of Yom Kippur Koton .
May Hashem hear our pleas, and turn His face to us so that we may be saved with a permanent salvation soon. And let us merit to see, quickly, the redemption of Yisroel, and gaze upon the building of the Beis HaMikdosh, quickly in our days, amen.
The proclomation is signed by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah (the hareidi-religious Council of Torah Sages), and the hareidi political parties Agudas Yisroel (Chassidic) and Degel HaTorah ("Flag of Torah”) – together the United Torah Judaism party. It was joined by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tu BiShevat
The Bnei Yisaschar (Month of Shevat, 2:2) writes that "A person should pray on Tu BeShevat to find a kosher, beautiful, mehudar esrog with which to fulfill the mitzvah."
Monday, January 21, 2008
Demonstration tonight! in RBS B
Rechov Nahar HaYarden 9
Demonstration protesting the violence against the kanaim and extremists in Bet
Organized by other Charedim in Bet
Shiur on Chovos Halevovos Shaar HaBitachon By Rabbi Malinowitz
- Sunday nights 9.15 - 10 pm,
- shiur for women on Chovos Halevovos,
- Shaar HaBitachon by Rabbi Malinowitz
- Venue Shoshanah Schaefer,
- Nachal Maor 12/1
- Phone 991 9898
- Time 9.15pm - 10pm
- NOTE The shiur begins and ends promptly
- No charge
- Shiur open to all women who can come
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Lema'an Achai has an Emergency Bills payment program
Of course, you're only in the cold for a moment, and you're well dressed against the wind.
Now try to imagine that your home is the same frozen temperature as the outside.
And your kids and wife are very cold; their faces, hands and toes are pale blue."Abba, please turn the heating on, we're freezing."But, you know you won't be able to afford the bill IF you put the heating on.
So you don't...Baruch Hashem, Lema'an Achai has an Emergency Bills payment program.
So none of our 160 impoverished families (over 1000 people) needs to be cold this winter.
Please make a donation now to Lema'an Achai
So Abba can turn on the heating AND pay the bill.
Tizku Lemitzvot & Choref Tov,Rav Avrohom Leventhal & David Morris
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Latest local War?
This appeared in Afersemon and is hanging in places around RBS: (translation is paraphrased)
"Resido Center is in the final stages of construction on Nahar Yarden corner of Herzog, this large building is a grave spiritual danger for the entire area and can chalila ruin the entire investment of sweat and blood by the Rabbis and institutions of the neighborhoods which spread Torah and Judaism."
"Since the initiatives and trials of our Rabbis have until now not suceeded in anything and these [people] are still stubborn and continue to be rebel."
(in large letters) "WE ARE THEREFORE WARNING
the Resido company and all parties involved cease and desist this very moment, do a last minute about face and change your destructive plans to change the face of our pure and holy neighborhood."
"Because we will fight with great might and fierceness because this touches our souls!"
"(You may well remember that in the past in Bnei Brak they tried to build a shopping mall and they did not succeed)"
"Charedi Beit Shemesh is ready and prepared to fight for its soul"
(in large letters) "WITH A GREAT FORCE"
"To distance from our homes this leperous growth who knows the consequences!"
SIGNED "The public committee to save the neighborhood" (be prepared for a continuation of details to follow"
Comments are moderated, inappropriate comments will be deleted!
Loans for Beit Shemesh residents - call AACI
(The equity is the difference between what your home is worth and what you owe on your present mortgage.)
An American family trust is making loans available up to $50,000 on a five-year term and with a fixed interest rate (Heter Iska).
Flexible credit and income qualifying.
You do not have to be an American immigrant to qualify. Generally, your property must be in the "greater Jerusalem area" including Modi'in, Beit Shemesh, Efrat, Ma'ale Adumim and most larger Yishuvim.
The process takes about a week.
More information is available from Sheila Bauman at the AACI or call Shulamith at 0523-749-738. E-mail:
23rd Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive
(See the Statistics page at for the statistics from the past drives.) Please mark your calendars (ifyou haven't already done so) so that you'll remember to attend this very important, life-saving event!!!
DATE: Sunday, February 10, 2008 (Or L'5 Adar Aleph 5768)
(NOTE that this is the middle of the winter. Blood donations are usually low during the winter, and unfortunately, the need for blood is always high. Our drive is very important to helping MDA replenish our precious Nation's blood supply!!!)
TIMES: 17:30 to 22:30 '
PLACE: Beit Knesset Feigenson, Nofei Aviv (downstairs in the UlamSmachot)
WHO: Healthy adults ages 18 to 65 (17 with a parent's note).
Other restrictions apply. For details, see our website at
WHAT TO BRING: Teudat Zehut, Passport, Driver's License
WHAT NOT TO BRING: Please leave your adorable children at home. We don't provide babysitting and a blood donation center can be a dangerous place for small children (especially while their parents are donating blood).
Arrange a babysitter or swap with a neighbor - you can watch their kids while they donate and they'll watch yours while you donate!
RIDES: Rides to/from the drive can be cheerfully arranged.
Please contact me if you'd like a ride. Get a group together and we'll bring all of you!! We've provided rides from as close as the Sheinfeld neighborhood and as far as far!
FOOD SPONSORS: We don't have any sponsors for this blood drive yet. You can sponsor a drive in honor of someone, in memory of someone, or topromote a business. If you'd like to sponsor the drive, please let me know. As always, if you have ANY questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.
If I don't know the answer, I'll refer you to the nice folks at MDA who do!! Wishing you a safe, happy, and healthy winter!
Kol Tuv, Deb Weisblatt (for the Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive Committee)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Breslov Shul RBS A, welcomes Rav Nachman Burshtein
Rav Nachman, who graced us with his presence at the Breslov Shabbaton thispast Shabbes Chazon, is one of the leading figures in Breslov Chassidus today.
A veritable walking encyclopedia on Breslov teachings, Breslov traditions,and authentic Breslov Niggunim, Rav Nachman Burshtein is a pleasure to hearand lesson to, and will almost cetainly inspire anyone who will attend anyof his shiurim or talks over Shabbes.
Rav Burshtein will be speaking in Hebrew.
Schedule for Shabbes Parshas Bo as follows:
Friday Night Kaballas Shabbes and Maariv will be led by Rav NachmanBurshtein.
Friday Night Oneg Shabbes: 8:30 PM. Stories about Breslov Gedolim of the past
Shabbes Morning: Sipurei Maasiot Shiur after davening.
Before Mincha: 3:15: Shiur in Breslov Teachings
During Seuda Shlishis: Shiur in Likutei MoHaRan.
The Breslov Shul is located at Lachish 40/13, up the stairs to the left ofthe building.
We look forward to seeing you all.
Shabbat Shalom.
Lema'an Achai 2007
By the nature of what Lema'an Achai does, most of these achievements cannot be publicly reported.So here's some *highlights* that we CAN tell you about...Yeshar koach to our wonderful donors in RBSA!
Services We Delivered to Local Families Suffering Poverty & Crisis...
* FIVE THOUSAND Four Hundred & Ninety Three Hours of support & counseling by our in-house professional team of Social Workers
* Six Hundred & Sixteen Hours of Psychiatric/Psychological Therapy!
* EIGHT THOUSAND Free Dental Treatments - over Five Thousand for Kids!!
* Seven Hundred and Six Hours of Professional After-School Teaching for Kids at Risk!
* Sixty Families received Advocacy Services (new service in 2007!) - 40 of these have had their cases successfully resolved, so far!
* Forty Families Received Intensive Financial Counseling - saving thousands of shekels for each family.
* Over One Hundred and Sixty Families (over one THOUSAND people) received Regular, Reliable Food Stamps - so no-one goes hungry.
* A further One THOUSAND nine hundred & twenty food supplementary packages were delivered (including our unique Shmita-Friendly Aid Packages!!)....and a Further FOURTEEN Projects, Programs & Services, running 24/6!! OVER TWO HUNDRED talented devoted & industrious Volunteers!!
We are delighted to report that Forty-Six Families (29%) no longer required Lema'an Achai's assistance, during 2007.
Of these, Twenty-Seven Families (17%) Achieved Independence in 2007 Directly Due to Lema'an Achai.Other Amazing Achievements:-
* Lema'an Achai's joint Social Services Program with The Gush Katif Settlers Council played a critical role in obtaining FIVE HUNDRED MILLION (half a billion!) NIS of Additional Aid for Gush Katif Evacuees, as a supplement to the Evacuation & Compensation Law, in June 2007.
* Lema'an Achai received The Bet Shemesh Prize & Recognition during 2007, for its Leadership Role in hosting & aiding over one THOUSAND refugees from the Second Lebanon War of 2006.
* Lema'an Achai was multiply cited, as part of a whole chapter focusing on Bet Shemesh (the only city to merit this), by the Ben Gurion University National Report on the Response of the Non-Profit Sector during the Second Lebanon War (the non-Government equivalent of the Winograd Report), published in 2007.
* Lema'an Achai established its First Branch Office, located in Migdal Hamayim, servicing Bet Shemesh, Givat Sharet and Migdal Hamayim (in memory of Emma and Simon Wang z"l).
* The Municipality of Bet Shemesh Granted Lema'an Achai a Two Dunam (that's to say, big!) Building Site, on Prime Real Estate on Nachal Dolev, RBS.
Lema'an Achai has ambitious plans (and commitments!) to Help More People Even Better during 2008 - which will require a whopping twenty percent increase in funding.
ALL of this has been achieved, and will be achieved Be"H, solely due to the financial support of private local donors - YOU.
Yeshar Koach and Thank You to Everyone!
We look forward to your continuing and increasing support during this new financial year.
Please visit our web site at for more great news!
Best Regards,
Rabbi Avrohom Leventhal
David Morris
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Kupa Shel Tzedaka RBSA
The upcoming annual melava malka of the Kupa shel Tzedaka has been well publicised and the deadline date for inclusion in the yearly journal is fast approaching. This journal offers residents a once-a-year opportunity to pay tribute to the organisation as a whole, thank a particular volunteer, Rav or gabbai. I have the task of contacting approx 420 families by the cutoff date for publication of 22nd. January; an impossible task!
Frequently 2 or 3 calls have to be made in a very limited time frame in order to reach a decision maker and the more people I contact the more the volume of callbacks increase. Therefore I am appealing to the olam to help me in this most meritorious and worthwhile cause. You can make your public acknowledgement of your appreciation for the above mentioned categories by the following methods:-
1. Contact the office by phone at 995 1111; fax 995 1112.
2. Contact me at 999 6081.
3 Email
Payments can be made in cash, cheque or credit card and can be divided into as many payments as you wish throughout the year. Israeli/American/Canadian tax receipts available on request.
Maaser money may be used.
Advertisements opportunities as follows:-
Platinum page 7500
Gold page 5000
Silver page 3600
Full page 1800
1/2 page 1000
1/4 page 600
1/8 page 360
Greeting 180
Tizku L'Mitzvos
Dovid Witkowski